Hello radio listeners here's the Moore of the family, I am speaking on behalf of the Mur of the family -- the one that scribbles lousy and shameless nonsense thoughts, and also in behalf of ZMB, I am talking from a lan house unable to reach my own personal computer it just failed permanently and just to say they are now hostages of the alien fresca and the invisible woman, they are without laptops although they keep the hats, rats everywhere, the repair company is saying it will take one more week hope so, we are just waiting to resume the Release The Id Conscience operation, but wait, the train is coming, orgasms and screams, call later, let us now switch on the news update for the future: there will be no J. Alberto Allen Vidal reissue on Edições Cassiber as announced early here in the blog, the reasons remain a property of the author, and also a new audio/video file soon also on vimeo which will deal with trying to understand that what lies behind fascism thoughts sometimes most of the times comes from hidden trauma of early sexual violence or abuse, there will be a new repaint called Moriarty's the liverly enemy of mr. holmes very neat to the days of less intoxicated days of today, call later, entering the train now.
I always like to speak in the third person, I can beat up my self with more effect, so there it goes: John, the Moore of the family was quietly smoking his pipeweed when he received a phone long distance call in his multiverse ring watch, it was Claudio, he had some news, the operation was off, let the team wind up, clean the camels and the tents, leave now on to the desert, we'll always have home, the rival silver was mildly accepted or not acceptd at all, nothing came of it, the future still is in the long shot, just the desire to see the monuments of flesh remains, but really the pyramids of skin are great on photos and I took the chance, her stomach is better, although she refuses to see a doctor she's having tea, I sometimes feel I am evil because if I take the God out of her life she will have to replace it with some and, since genius is silencing, what will be in the equation will be void of meaning to her, will let her feel unbalanced, she will be like me, like a misconstruct, another loser on the loose, She sees joy and goodtalk but I am what she refuses to see or believe, I have no condition barely have for my own self alone, so you see Moore I can't just take out the god of her life because I am no god and I am no good, I will now rest my last wish for tonight, still no orgasms and screams, Mur says bye, texting now:
oh theirs powers are multiverse and my self to rest calm I have to balance one's magic with an other's magic, so just switch the kilombo of Clara Nunes on to the chimney smokes of Coltrane's Be, turning afterwards to Shankar's ragas and Abdul Malik's oud and by constant iterations I finally go asleep feeling calm and relaxed like a baby with the gongs and flute of Aranos Samadhi, she will never be alone, let her be like she wills, I am just an human.
Mas tinha de ser em inglês?
ResponderEliminarBem, vou apelar para o que ainda recordo da escola...
Obrigado por prestares atenção e fazeres um esforço por leres aquilo que muitas vezes é apenas ruído.
EliminarNão posso negar que o que eu escrevo tem pormenores de realidade, mas nem tudo é verdade, aconteceu muitas vezes apenas dentro da minha cabeça, ou seja, às vezes, misturo a verdade com a ficção, distorço, altero, imagino, não pode ser tudo levado literalmente.
Talvez em vez de lhe tirar a fé, tentar reforçar-lhe a fé?
ResponderEliminar(sem ter muita, às vezes não a tendo, num momento mais complicado andei à procura de respostas em livros, e livros com coincidências felizes que não pareciam obra do acaso ajudaram-me a acreditar, como a série dos Caldos de Galinha e mais recentemente este livro http://lelivros.zone/book/baixar-livro-diario-das-coincidencias-joao-anzanello-carrascoza-em-pdf-epub-e-mobi-ou-ler-online/ )
Acho que não vale a pena, a nossa conversação esfriou nos últimos tempos, ela responde-me com clichês como «deus está a trabalhar no meu destino», e eu talvez não goste dela o suficiente ou talvez ela precise de ajuda profissional, não sei mas se ela soubesse o que me custou ver colegas ao meu lado serem forçados pelos enfermeiros a comer ou a ingerir a medicação quando se recusavam a fazê-lo... mas às vezes todos nós só aprendemos quando passámos pelas coisas ou quando estas e outras circunstâncias se tornam verdade, nessas alturas quando nos dói a barriga pedimos ajuda a deus, rezamos, prometemos etc, no dia seguinte esquecemos tudo e estamos prontos para outra. As pessoas são assim, é por estas e por outras que o meu coração se endureceu há muito.
Eliminarobrigado na mesma pela sugestão do livro
fica bem :)