segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2024

ZMB -- IRABCDJOL XIV, parte1 (film track)

Film track for the first part of musical album IRABCDJOL XIV by ZMB Sound and image by ZMB Samples featured and thanks to Shivana Ribeiro and Júlio Allen Vidal Two poems by Manuel de Castro are read here in this album. Track 01: O açúcar é um doce veneno Track 02: As borboletas são Track 03: Regresso a 31:10 Track 04: Manuel de Castro na estação Track 05: Ameixa virgem do avesso Track 06: Sonho de flauta distante Track 07: Fica com a tua riqueza Track 08: Aleluia Track 09: Mãe Linda remix Track 10: O meu Paris Texas Track 11: A reconhecer pelos notários Track 12: Mãe Linda Soon this album will be listenable and available for download under a Creative Commons License on archive dot org

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